Start with your reason:
It is important that I lower my stress and anxiety because...
Change can happen within the day when you step into experiences of stress.
Each day build strategies for proactively managing stress, predicting and avoiding stress and staying proactive with daily prevention.
Subscribe to the podcast, purchase the training program and download the free app.
Learn to step into stress as it occurs in ‘real time’ and experiment with ways to lower stress.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - This product is intended for people who are impacted by daily or chronic stress and anxiety. Disclaimer: The information in this product is for personal educational purposes only. It is not intended for use in the diagnoses of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, treatment or prevention of disease except when recommended or assigned by a medical professional. It is not intended to provide medical advice or medical care and should not replace discussions with your healthcare professional.
All data entered into the training program will be automatically deleted when the program is closed. All data stored on the app is self-contained and does not get stored in a third party location.
The creators and developers of this product do not collect or store user information unless you have volunteered and signed a consent form for a research project. For research participants, data is collected and aggregated, de- identified (not personally identifiable) to help us improve, develop, evaluate andcontinue products, services, materials and programs related to our products and specific conditions.