Frequently Asked Questions

Can the program be used in an organization?

The program is configured to work for individuals. The use of Prepare for Stress for groups is possible with consent that participation is voluntary. Prepare for Stress Ext is recommended as part of an organizational approach to overall health.

Can I work with a medical doctor as I am using the program?

Yes. Medical doctors understand the many systems involved in this method. The program has been applied in clinical setting and the general public to relieve physical symptoms.

WHILE using the program, WHEN should I talk to my medical practitioner/doctor?

Whenever you feel that your stress is out of your normal ability to control and when any symptom worries you. We suggest taking the stress scale details to a professional and having a concise description of your experiences to help narrow down the cause. Your medical professional will be able to start a biological investigation.

Can the program be part of a mental health therapy?

The program follows the neuroscience and medical structure that many trained professionals can incorporate into an existing approach. We do not recommend the program for treatment of any kind of mental illness – only for stress, anxiety and panic unless a professional is involved.

How does the program help me deal with the complications of resolving a larger conflict?

The 10-day program teaches you to resolve medium level stress in order to learn and practice using the method in real time. The same method can be applied to larger anxiety issues once stress levels are sustainably lower. Concentrate on the larger themes of what you want and need at this time in your life and the near future so that your self-direction is practical.




IMPORTANT NOTICE - This product is intended for people who are impacted by daily or chronic stress and anxiety. Disclaimer: The information in this product is for personal educational purposes only. It is not intended for use in the diagnoses of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, treatment or prevention of disease except when recommended or assigned by a medical professional. It is not intended to provide medical advice or medical care and should not replace discussions with your healthcare professional.

Privacy Policy

All data entered into the training program will be automatically deleted when the program is closed. All data stored on the app is self-contained and does not get stored in a third party location.

The creators and developers of this product do not collect or store user information unless you have volunteered and signed a consent form for a research project. For research participants, data is collected and aggregated, de-identified (not personally identifiable) to help us improve, develop, evaluate and continue products, services, materials and programs related to our products and specific conditions.